A Day In A&E

less than 1 minute read

69 Days Until I Can Walk

No coding today because I spent the entire day sitting in Accident and Emergency in a Dublin hospital.

Yesterday I took a pretty nasty spill on the crutches and came straight down on the broken foot. Most painful, and the impact was followed by a loud crack. So yeah, better to be safe than sorry, I went and got myself x-rayed. Thankfully it’s all good news! Not only did I not make everything worse, but there are clear signs of healing in the image. So I am most encouraged, although my foot is still quite tender.

I will say that while the process of getting through an Irish hospital can be quite slow, the bedside manner of the nurses and staff is outstanding. I feel very supported by how kind and engaging all the staff who spoke to me have been. They truly are a credit to their profession.

Here’s a picture of one of my crutches anyway (snazzy little light reflector and all).

Top of a crutch with blue plastic handles and the door to a hospital waiting room

I’ll be spending the weekend writing rather than coding, so floor and ceiling texturing will have to wait until next week. Oh well…

Have a good weekend folks!